Extension Overview
Magento does not provide to calculate the shipping rate per country and/or shipping rate per product, so this extension allows you to set up the shipping rate individually per product and/or per country. It’s a very useful extension for store owners who require to define an individual shipping rate for each product and/or for each country.
General Features
- Easy installation
- 100% open source
- Meets Magento programming practices
Extension Features:
- Ability to enable/disable the extension.
- Ability to add shipping rate for each product.
- Ability to add shipping rate for each country.
- Uses a shipping rate attribute for easy management.
- Admin can set default shipping rate and can set different rate for each product while creating a new product or editing the existing one in admin panel..
- Admin can specify countries rates in csv files and if no rate is defined for any country then defaulty country rate will be used for country shipping rate.
- Ability to show shipping rate column on products grid page.
- Ability to use default shipping rate when shipping rate is not defined for any product.
- Ability to manage shipping title and shipping method name through configuration.
- Ability to view shipping information on checkout page and/or order view page.
- Ability to set up the specific country for shipping.
- Easy to calculate handling fee for products e.g fixed amount or amount in percent.
- Ability to show shipping price on product view page.