IonFullApp gives you the bootstrap you need in order to build your next PhoneGap / Cordova application based on the Ionic framework. Its PhoneGap / Cordova Full Hybrid App with AngularJS + Ionic framework

PhoneGap is a very helpful hybrid mobile app development framework, which can drastically improve your HTML5 app development experience. It allows you to easily access native functionality, like camera and Geolocation via JavaScript. Ionic framework is an open source front-end SDK for developing awesome hybrid mobile apps with HTML5.


PhoneGap / Cordova Full Hybrid App using AngularJS + Ionic framework
AngularJS Controllers, Directives, Filters, Services, Factories
Complete guide to help you understand and use this app.
Beautiful UI/UX
Easy style customization
Push Notifications
Wordpress Integration with JSON API
Infinite scroll (improves user experience in mobile)
Share a post with Social Sharing tool
Increase and Decrease font size control
Supports embedded videos and audios
Google Feed API
apps using the SocialSharing Plugin
Show Mobile Ads with Google AdMob and Apple iAd
Rate this app functionality in Google and Apple stores.
Access user’s geolocation using GeoLocation Plugin
Open any external link with InAppBrowser Plugin
App settings. Find examples of how to use toggles, checkboxes, ranges, radio buttons.
Different type of inputs/labels that you can use to create your app.
Videos: Allows you to play, pause, and load videos
Audios: Allows you to play, pause, and load audios
Image picker – Access the phone gallery and share the images in social networks